Apr 5, 2022 | Financial Health, Financial Planning, webinars
https://vimeo.com/691035938 An exciting new program for OPC pastors is explained in this webinar from the Committee on Ministerial Care. In partnership with Ronald Blue Trust, a major Christian financial planning organization, OPC pastors and their wives can work with...
Feb 23, 2021 | Financial Health, Financial Planning, webinars
7 financial experts discussing the 10 financial mistakes you may be making. The Committee on Ministerial Care of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church looks at 10 common financial mistakes made by pastors. Hosted by financial advisor and ruling elder Matt Miner, this...
Jul 29, 2020 | book reviews, Financial Health, Financial Planning
Managing God’s Money: A BIBLICAL GUIDE [Book Review] Author: Randy Alcorn, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2011 Reviewed by Lendall H. Smith As the title suggests, this book is not about how to manage our money to accomplish our financial goals. Instead, it is a Bible...
Jul 29, 2020 | book reviews, Financial Health, Financial Planning
Money Problems, Marriage Solutions [Book Review] Author: Chuck Bentley, Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2017 Reviewed by Douglas L. Watson Haven’t we heard this one? “Money! The biggest problem in marriage.” Or maybe it’s the lack thereof. Pastors who counsel know that...