Qualified Default Investment Alternative Employee Notice

You have the right to direct the investment of retirement plan contributions among the investment options offered under the plan. Properly investing retirement contributions is important for planning your future retirement income. You should consider your investment direction decision carefully. This notice provides information regarding where contributions submitted to the retirement plan for your benefit will be directed in the absence of your investment election. You may direct the investment of the retirement funds by visiting https://www.yourbenefitaccount.net/cpretirement or contacting Creative Planning at 1-866-427-4015 and ask for a 403(b) advisor.

Investment Option Default

If you do not provide investment direction, or if contributions are received by the plan prior to your investment direction being received, contributions will be directed to the qualified default investment alternative (QDIA).

The QDIA for your retirement plan are the socially screened Moderate and Moderate-Aggressive Portfolios

Upon entry into the retirement plan, you will be defaulted into either the socially screened Moderate or socially screened Moderate-Aggressive Portfolio. If you are age 55 or older, you will be defaulted into the socially screened Moderate Portfolio. If you are younger than age 55, you will be defaulted in to the socially screened Moderate-Aggressive Portfolio. If you are still considered to be in default upon attaining age 55, your balance and future contributions will be transferred to the socially screened Moderate Portfolio.

Right to Direct

You may make changes to your investment direction as allowed under the plan. This includes transferring any contributions from the applicable investment option default to another investment option. Transfers out of the investment option default are not subject to restrictions, fees or expenses1, unless the fees and expenses are charged on an ongoing basis for the operation of the investment2. See the attached fact sheet for more information.

Additional Information

For additional information about the investment option default or other investment alternatives under the plan please visit https://www.yourbenefitaccount.net/cpretirement or contact your Creative Planning Advisors: Mitchell Guralski (715-843-8353 or [email protected]) and Derec Mieden (608-270- 2904 or [email protected]). You can receive further guidance by contacting the Creative Planning Retirement Plans team at 866-427-4015 or at [email protected].
Plan participants who have not made an investment election should do so via the website or through Creative Planning. Questions regarding this notice can be directed to your plan administrator by calling the number at the top of this notice.
Equity investment options involve greater risk, including heightened volatility, than fixed-income investment options. Fixed-income investment options are subject to interest rate risk, and their value may decline as interest rates rise. Neither the principal of bond investment options nor their yields are guaranteed by the U.S. government.

Asset allocation does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss. Investing in real estate, small-cap, international, and high-yield investment options involve additional risks.

1 Includes surrender charges, liquidation or exchange fees, redemption fees and similar expenses charged when transferring from the plan level default investment option.

2 Includes investment management fees and similar administrative expenses.